When you don't have enough time for interview, read the posts which are tagged as 'Must Read'
1. Data Structure
1) List
2) Arrays/Vectors
3) Tree
5) Stack
Stack with STL (Must Read *)
2. Algorithm
2.1) Searching & Sorting
Graph Search
Breadth First Search - Find the shortest path
Binary Search - Divide & Conquer Technique
Searching a BST
Bruteforce Algorithm
Merge Sort
Sort the characters in the given string
Sort the vector of classes
2.2) Arrays/Vectors
2.2.1) Subarray Problems
Subarray without range (Kadane's) Kadane's Algorithm - Video - Maximum SubArray Sum - O(n) (Must Read)* Subarrays with K different integers Maximum Erasure value Number of Equal count substrings
Subarrays with K different integers
Maximum Erasure value
Number of Equal count substrings
Subarray with range (Sliding Window Technique) Maximum Subarray sum in a specific range of elements (Must Read *) Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement
2.2.2) Suffix Array Problems : 1) Pattern Searching 2) Finding the Longest Repeated Substring 3) Finding the Longest Common Substring 4) Finding the Longest Palindrome in a string
2.2.3) Two Pointers 1) Container with most water - O(n) 2) Trapping Rain water - O(n) (Must Read *)
2.3) String
Frequency of the digits in the given string
2.3.1) Substring problems
Longest substring without repeating characters (#3 Leetcode) - O(n) (Must Read *) Longest substring with at most two distinct characters Longest substring with at most K distinct characters Longest repeating character replacement (#424 Leetcode) - O(n) (Must read *) Minimum Window Substring (Must read *)
2.3.2) Pattern Search
pat[] = "AABA"
Output: Pattern found at index 0
Pattern found at index 9
Pattern found at index 12
Rabin-Karp Algorithm - Video - Pattern Searching with hash method- O(n+m) Best case & O(nm) Worst Case
Boyer Moore Algorithm - Pattern Searching with heuristic - O(n/m)
pat[] = "AABA"
Output: Pattern found at index 0
Pattern found at index 9
Pattern found at index 12
2.3.3) Anagram Search
Input: txt[] = "BACDGABCDA" pat[] = "ABCD"
Output: Found at Index 0
Found at Index 5
Found at Index 6
Valid Anagrams (#242 Leetcode) (Must Read *) Group Anagrams (#49 Leetcode) (Must Read *)
Input: txt[] = "BACDGABCDA" pat[] = "ABCD"
Output: Found at Index 0
Found at Index 5
Found at Index 6
2.3.4) Palindrome
Longest Palindromic Substring (#5 Leetcode) (Must Read *) Valid Palindrome (#125 Leetcode) (Must Read *)
2.3.5) Parentheses ()
Valid Parentheses (#22 Leetcode) (Must Read *)
2.4) Graph
2.5) Dynamic Programming
2.6) Interval (Greedy Algorithm)
2.7) Bitwise Operations
Packing & Unpacking the number
Set/Clear/Toggle/Swap bits (Must Read *)
Endianness of the system (Must Read *)
Convert an integer into bits (Must Read *) - Little different libraries
Read the below for grokking:
14 Patterns
Topic Wise LeetCode Problems
Click here and read here too
Topic Wise LeetCode Problems
Click here and read here too
All leetcode problems
Linked List
21. Merge two sorted list (75 Blind Leetcode)
206. Reverse a linked list (75 Blind Leetcode)
Dynamic Programming
3. Operating System (OS)
Process & Process management
What is preprocessing? (Must Read) *
Memory Layout of a ProcessHow malloc works? (Must Read) *
Interrupts & Interrupt Service Routine
Multithreading with pjoin()
Threads & Concurrency
Multithreading without pjoin()Multithreading with pjoin()
Concurrency in C++ (Must Read) *
Semaphore vs Mutex vs Spinlock
Semaphore/Mutex/Spinlock (Must Read) *
Debugging a hang issue (Unable to unlock) (Must Read) *
Socket Programming
Socket ProgrammingServer & Multi-Client Socket
Inter-Process Communication
Message Queue
Shared Memory
File Systems
System Calls
fork() & wait()Dead Lock (Must Read) *
Common Bash Errors
DRAM vs Flash (Must Read) *
Reference : medium
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