Merge Sort

We use Divide & Conquer Strategy/technique to solve the problem. We divide the problem into sub problems and solve each. Later, combine the results. 


Split the subarray A[low..high] into two arrays A[low..middle] and A[middle+1, high].


Sort both the subarrays A[low..high] and A[middle+1, high]. If we haven't yet reached the base case, we again divide both these subarrays and try to sort them.


When the conquer step reaches the base step and we get two sorted subarrays A[low..middle] and A[middle+1, high] for array A[low..high], we combine the results by creating a sorted array A[low..high] from two sorted subarrays A[low..middle] and A[middle+1, high].


The MergeSort function repeatedly divides the array into two halves until we reach a stage where we try to perform MergeSort on a subarray of size 1 i.e. low == high.

From the driver code, low(0) and high (size -1) is passed. If an array has 4 elements, low as 0 and high as 3 will be passed. Then it will be further splitted  into two halves and continues until  it reaches the base condition as low == high. 

Board link is here for viewing

mergeSort (int arr[], int low, int high)
   if (low < high) { // Base Condition 
       int middle = (high + low - 1)/ 2;

       mergeSort (arr, low, middle);
       mergeSort (arr, middle + 1, high);
       merge (arr, low, middle, high);


Line no 98 in the implementation would give much idea about various scenarios when MergeSort function returns. 

1) When the base condition doesn't satisfy which mean high and low both are equal. Eg: (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5)

2) After the merge calls. Eg: (1,2), (0,2), (4,5), (3,5), (0,6) 


Let's deep dive by considering the following two sorted subarrays

1. Create duplicate copies of the sub-arrays to be sorted. (Line 12 to 20)        


2. Maintain current index of sub-arrays (i, j) and main array (k). 


3. Until we reach the end of L or M, pick the smallest and place it in the combined array. 

4. When we run out of elements either in L or M, place the remaining elements in combined array. 


5. The below step was needed if the size of the M was greater than L.


Now, the array elements are sorted. 

Mergesort Implementation

Click here for debugging.
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
merge (int arr[], int low, int middle, int high)
   int b1Size = middle - low + 1;
   int b2Size = high - middle;
   int b1[b1Size], b2[b2Size];

   cout << "Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: \n";
   for (int i = 0; i < b1Size; i++) {
       b1[i] = arr[low + i];
       cout << b1[i] << " ";
   cout << "\n\n";
   cout << "Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: \n";;
   for (int j = 0; j < b2Size; j++) {
       b2[j] = arr[j + middle + 1];
       cout << b2[j] << " ";
   cout << "\n\n";
   int i = 0; 
   int j = 0;
   int k = low;
   while (i < b1Size && j < b2Size) {
      if (b1[i] <= b2[j]) {
          arr[k] = b1[i];
      } else {
          arr[k] = b2[j];
   while (i < b1Size) {
      arr[k] = b1[i];

   while (j < b2Size) {
      arr[k] = b2[j];
#if 1  // Debugging
       cout << "Middle " << middle << " Array[" << low << "] to Array[" << high << "]\n";
       for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
	   cout << arr[i] << " ";
       cout << "\n\n";

mergeSort (int arr[], int low, int high)
   if (low < high) { // Base Condition 
       int middle = (high + low - 1)/ 2;

#if 1  // Debugging
       cout << "High " << high << " Array[" << low << "] to Array[" << middle << "]\n";
       for (int i = low; i <= middle; i++) {
	   cout << arr[i] << " ";
       cout << "\n\n";

       mergeSort (arr, low, middle);
#if 1  // Debugging
       cout << "Low " << low << " Array[" << middle+1 << "] to Array[" << high << "]\n";
       for (int i = middle + 1; i <= high; i++) {
 	  cout << arr[i] << " ";
       cout << "\n\n";
       mergeSort (arr, middle + 1, high);
#if 1  // Debugging
       cout << "Middle " << middle << " Array[" << low << "] to Array[" << high << "]\n";
       for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
	   cout << arr[i] << " ";
       cout << "\n\n";

       merge (arr, low, middle, high);

#if 1
    cout << "Returned : low " << low  << " high " << high << "\n";
    cout << "\n ************************** \n";

int main ()
   int arr[] = { 6, 5, 12, 10, 9, 1 };
   int size = sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr[0]);

   cout << "Array elements before sorting: \n";
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      cout << arr[i] << " ";
   cout << "\n ************************** \n";

   mergeSort (arr, 0, size-1);

   cout << "\n Array elements after sorting: \n";
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      cout << arr[i] << " ";
   cout << "\n";
   return 0;


Array elements before sorting: 
6 5 12 10 9 1 
High 5 Array[0] to Array[2]
6 5 12 

High 2 Array[0] to Array[0]

Returned : low 0 high 0

Low 0 Array[1] to Array[2]
5 12 

High 2 Array[1] to Array[1]

Returned : low 1 high 1

Low 1 Array[2] to Array[2]

Returned : low 2 high 2

Middle 1 Array[1] to Array[2]
5 12 

Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: 

Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: 

Middle 1 Array[1] to Array[2]
5 12 

Returned : low 1 high 2

Middle 0 Array[0] to Array[2]
6 5 12 

Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: 

Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: 
5 12 

Middle 0 Array[0] to Array[2]
5 6 12 

Returned : low 0 high 2

Low 0 Array[3] to Array[5]
10 9 1 

High 5 Array[3] to Array[3]

Returned : low 3 high 3

Low 3 Array[4] to Array[5]
9 1 

High 5 Array[4] to Array[4]

Returned : low 4 high 4

Low 4 Array[5] to Array[5]

Returned : low 5 high 5

Middle 4 Array[4] to Array[5]
9 1 

Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: 

Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: 

Middle 4 Array[4] to Array[5]
1 9 

Returned : low 4 high 5

Middle 3 Array[3] to Array[5]
10 1 9 

Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: 

Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: 
1 9 

Middle 3 Array[3] to Array[5]
1 9 10 

Returned : low 3 high 5

Middle 2 Array[0] to Array[5]
5 6 12 1 9 10 

Initialisation of First Half of Array elements: 
5 6 12 

Initialisation of Second Half of Array elements: 
1 9 10 

Middle 2 Array[0] to Array[5]
1 5 6 9 10 12 

Returned : low 0 high 5


 Array elements after sorting: 
1 5 6 9 10 12 

Time Complexity

Best Case Complexity: O(n*log n)

Worst Case Complexity: O(n*log n)

Average Case Complexity: O(n*log n)

Space Complexity

The space complexity of merge sort is O(n).

References : 

Programmiz Mergesort 
