Eclipse Shortcuts

This post is purely for the beginners to play around with Eclipse. When I started using Eclipse, it was a nightmare as there were so many tools and stuff. I eventually took baby steps to get familiarised. 

So, this post is for you beginners to get good hands-on with Eclipse. 

Syntax Assist/Content Assist/Auto fill

'ctrl' + space 

Since the Auto activation triggers for java enabled only for ' . ' , it didn't automatically fill when type other letters.

So, changed it to '._abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 

Zoom in/Zoom out 

Click on the code and press 

⌘ - ===> Zoom in 

⌘ + ===> Zoom out


⌘ ⇧ - /'ctrl' + 'shift' + '-' ===> unsplit

⌘ ⇧ + /'ctrl' + 'shift' + '+' ===> split

Format the code

Ctrl + Shift + F 

To add/update/delete any Jars

Project->properties -> Configure Build Path

To get only one working set in the project explorer side window

1) Click on the 3 dots in the project explorer window 'Deselect working set'

2) Click on the 3 dots in the project explorer window 'Select working set'

3) Give a working set name in the text box 'Working Set Name:'. I've given the name as 'selenium_cucumber_java', and selected project from the 'Workspace content', it automatically get added into 'woking set content:' on the right. Click 'Finish'. 

4) Now, my select working set window became like this. I selected 'selenium_cucumber_java' and clicked ok.

To Install New Software

As not all the features/tools come naturally with Eclipse, we need to install them manually from the marketplace. 

Go to Help-> Install New Software->Available Software menu will be popped up. 

1. Select the site. 

2. Filter for the required feature/tools.

3. Select the required tools

4. Give next because it might upgrade the target environment to the latest to support the software you are gonna download. 

To add new plugin 

Since some of the features/tools can't be added through marketplace, it can also be added by using plugin available in the Internet. 

Go to Help-> Install New Software->Available Software menu will be popped up. 

1. Add the site in 'Work with' text box

2. A new window will be popped up to add Repository. 

3. Click OK. 

4. Give next because it might upgrade the target environment to the latest to support the software you are gonna download.

5. It would ask for the Licences review. 

6. There would be security warning, but continue with installation. 

Editors available on the Marketplace

We will not always have all the plugins installed in Eclipse, some of the code, files, etc might show this below window. 

This would take you to the market place if clicked okay. You can install the plugin as per the requirement.

Installing Software Status bar 

Whenever you install anything from Marketplace, you need to wait till the plugin gets installed in Eclipse. 

After the installation completed, you will get a window as such and you need to restart the eclipse by clicking Yes.

Renaming a file 

ColorCoding of the code

If you are not able to see the colorcoding of any file, just save & reopen the file again. It should work.

<Will be updated>
