Inside HTML form, only one object is allowed. Thymeleaf documentation says,
Once inside the tag, no other th:object attribute can be specified. This is consistent with the fact that HTML forms cannot be nested.
th:object attribute on the form needs to reference a form-backing bean.
Controller Class
@RequestMapping(value = {"/survey"}) public String takeSurvey(Principal principal, Model model){ model.addAttribute("userName", principal.getName()); model.addAttribute("listAllQuestions", qs.getAllQuestions()); model.addAttribute("listOptions", os.getAllOptions()); return "survey"; } @RequestMapping(value = {"/save-survey"}) public String saveSurvey(Response response, Model model){ model.addAttribute("listOptions", os.getAllOptions());; System.out.println(" saveSurvey : userID" + response.getUserID()); return "redirect:/user?thankyou"; }
package; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity @Table(name = "response") public class Response { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name="responseid") private int ResponseID; @Column(name="userid", nullable=false) private String UserID; @Column(name="optionid", nullable=false) private int ChosenOptionID; @Column(name="questionid", nullable=false) private int QuestionID; public Response() { } public Response(int responseID, String userID, int chosenOptionID, int questionID) { super(); ResponseID = responseID; UserID = userID; ChosenOptionID = chosenOptionID; QuestionID = questionID; } public int getResponseID() { return ResponseID; } public void setResponseID(int responseID) { ResponseID = responseID; } public String getUserID() { return UserID; } public void setUserID(String userID) { UserID = userID; } public int getChosenOptionID() { return ChosenOptionID; } public void setChosenOptionID(int chosenOptionID) { ChosenOptionID = chosenOptionID; } public int getQuestionID() { return QuestionID; } public void setQuestionID(int questionID) { QuestionID = questionID; } }
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