Networking Protocol Developer - Interview Questions #1

This was my longest run interview ever so far, without moving from the interview panel.
It was a white board interview :-( and it went around 3.30 hours. Finally, i was frustrated.


1. What is waterfall model
2. Explain your project process
3. Do you have any separate code for Unit Testing


1. Why we go for EOAM ?
2. What are all the messages it have ?
3. What standard of EOAM you follow ?
4. Which message used for Fault Detection , Fault Isolation and Fault Recovery ?
5. Packet formats of LB, LT, LM and DM messages ?
6. Why MEP ID is not part of EOAM packet ?
7. Opcodes for each EOAM messages ?
8. What is Original and Target Address in EOAM messages?
9. What is the ether type of EOAM ?
10. How EOAM packet enters and what happens inside the device ?
11. What is the use of LB, LT, LM and DM messages ?
12. How packets will be punted to CPU ? Who decides whether it has to send it CPU ?
13. Functionality of LB, LT, LM and DM messages ?
14. What are all the messages are unicast, multicast and broadcast ?
15. How to differentiate whether a MAC address is multicast or not ?
16. How TCP works ?
17. How ICMP packet works ?
18. What is switching ?
19. Why we go VLAN ?
20. When ARP cache will be filled ?
21. Example of Broadcast MAC address ?
22. How the MIB code works ?
23. What happens when SNMP get is called ?
24. What is the process flow till EOAM when restart has been initiated ?
25. How the ether port status has been intimated to EOAM process ?
26. Explain about the bugs you worked in EOAM messages ?
27. How switching works ?

C Programming 

1. Memory Layout of C ( Check for all variables like constant, volatile etc.,)  click here for answer
2. What are all the data structures you used ?
3. Disadvantages of Linked List
4. Write a program for Binary Tree Insertion
5. Write a program for Binary Tree Deletion
6. What is the size of array (size 2) of structure which has double and char ?
7. What is Declaration and Definition ?
9. How will you check whether memory is allocated or not ?
10. What is a good way of defining a char array
11. What is NULL pointer ?
12. What is NULL exception ?
13. What is the best sorting mechanism ?
14. Sort the given 5 numbers
15. Whether char array will be initialized to NULL or '\0'
16. Tell me some coverity issues.

Operating System 

1. Which you prefer among Semaphore and Mutex ?
2. Difference between Semaphore and Mutex ?
3. What is Deadlock ?
4. Do you use socket to communicate 2 nodes ?
5. How process gets initialized ?
6. What is priority scheduling ?
7. Where the process gets started ?
