Networking Protocol Developer - Interview Questions #2

1st  Round

1. What are the storage classes available ?
2. Why we are using Register ?
3. Difference between Register and Volatile ?
4. Tell me about the project you worked on recently
5. Why we are using Shared Memory
6. Is your shared memory across the process or threads
7. How did you implement your shared memory
8. While using Mutex, How will you prevent that if a thread doesn't release the mutex.
Do you have timer for accessing Mutex
9. If 2 process gets created using fork() from the parent process, and parent process has Mutex in it.
Whether this Mutex will be shared or each process will have independent mutex
10. 3 strings namely "ABCDEF", "CDABEF" and "EFABCD", How will you store these string with unique index of hashing. How will you retrieve it ?
11.  What are the fields in ARP packet
12. Why we go for ARP ?
13. How DHCP works, When my laptop is newly connected to a LAN.

2nd  Round

1. How to find the Endianness of the system. Click here for answer
2. Find the no of bits set in the given number
    Conditions : 1. Use only one loop
                         2. Avoid unwanted shifting operations
3. Find the given string/substring is Palindrome
    Conditions : 1. String can be Odd or Even palindrome
4. Sort an array
5. Sort a Linked List
