
I'm not hiring anyone ;-) Just to make space for other tabs/pages, I named this tab as 'Interview' but it is actually the list of Interview Questions I come across. 

CI/CD pipeline

General OS Concepts

1) Storage, Memory, Compilation

Storage class in C/C++  (Must Read *)
Static & Extern (Must Read *)
Const  (Must Read *)
Memory Layout of a Process (Must Read * - Questions)
How malloc works?  (Must Read * - Questions)

2) Threads, Synchronisation, IPC

Click here -> Linux Interview Questions

3) Networking

How ARP works? 
Segment Routing over IPv6 

Interview Preparation for C++ (Not updated)

1. General Overview

2. OOPS Concepts 

3. Datatype Reading, Writing, Displaying


1) Boolean 

2) Numeric 

a) Character 

b) Integral 
   a.1) Integer 
   a.2) Floating-point 
          a.2.1) Float
          Displaying float 
          a.2.2) Double 

1) String 

2) Arrays 

Exercises in Array

4. Containers 

5. Smart Pointers 

6. IOSTREAM Library

stringstream - initialisation

7. Algorithms

7.1) Searching & Sorting

Breadth First Search - Find the shortest path 

7.2) Arrays

Subarray Problems 

Kadane's Algorithm - Video - Maximum SubArray Sum - O(n)
Subarrays with K different integers 
Maximum Erasure value 
Number of Equal count substrings

Suffix Array Problems :
1) Pattern Searching 
2) Finding the Longest Repeated Substring 
3) Finding the Longest Common Substring 
4) Finding the Longest Palindrome in a string

7.3) String 

Substring problems

Longest substring without repeating characters
Longest substring with at most two distinct characters
Longest substring with at most K distinct characters

Pattern Search

Input:  txt[] =  "AABAACAADAABAABA"
        pat[] =  "AABA"
Output: Pattern found at index 0
        Pattern found at index 9
        Pattern found at index 12

Rabin-Karp Algorithm - Video - Pattern Searching with hash method- O(n+m) Best case & O(nm) Worst Case

Boyer Moore Algorithm  - Pattern Searching with heuristic - O(n/m)

Anagram Search

 Input:  txt[] = "BACDGABCDA"  pat[] = "ABCD"
   Output:   Found at Index 0
             Found at Index 5
             Found at Index 6

7.4) Graph 

We will use graph in the following cases:
The graph node can be considered web pages, the edges can be hyperlinks between pages. 
The graph nodes can be Airports, and the edges represent the flights between airports. 

In most of the problems, we will have an undirected graph. 
Lee Algorithm - Shortest Path in Maze 
Flood Fill Algorithm  - Paint in MS

8. Other Useful Libraries 

If you have extra time,

                               <End of C++ Interview Preparation>

C , Unix & Networking 

Click here -> Interview Questions 1 

Click here -> Interview Questions 2

Click here -> Interview Questions 4

